Course In A Box
Build Drawing and Animated Games
Build Texting and Location-Aware Apps
Build Quizzes and Informational Apps
Define Procedures to Create New Blocks
Build Apps with User-Generated Data
Build Web-Enabled Apps
Video Tutorials (AI2)
Beginner Apps
Intermediate Apps
App Inventor Classic Videos (AI1)
Beginner Tutorials
Intermediate Tutorials
Java Bridge
Make the jump to writing real Java code.
AI2 Book
The official App Inventor tutorial book.
How do you...?
Glossary of essential app building techniques.
Draw shapes and images
Example 1. How do you create a drawing canvas?
Example 2. How do you draw a circle at 10,10?
Example 3. How do you draw a circle where the user touches?
Example 4. How do you move an image to the middle of the canvas?
Next Module:
Remember information in a variable
Draw shapes and images
Example 1. How do you create a drawing canvas?
Example 2. How do you draw a circle at 10,10?
Example 3. How do you draw a circle where the user touches?
Example 4. How do you move an image to the middle of the canvas?
Next Module:
Remember information in a variable